Sunday, 15 June 2008

Ten Things I have done to CGSW.

1. Came up with witty name alternative i.e Charles Guy Sloane Winnett became Charles Gay Slow Winnett.
2. Pissed on CGSW when he was an infant.
3. Put bogeys on CGSW when he was an infant.
4. Tried to (according to Grandmother (EBS)) "murder" CGSW by pushing finger into his chest a.k.a a small child not understanding how press studs work i.e one sided pushing can be seen as pre-meditated, cold blooded killing; pushing from both sides is assisting with dressing of younger sibling post bubblebath.
5. Chased CGSW around house with faeces on hand.
6. Let CGSW fall head first into gap between parents bed frame and parents matress and left him there.
7. Assisted in "charles torture" including the time CGSW was locked out of the house, alone and tied to a chair with walking sticks stuck into his trouser legs and jumper sleeves thus imposing a high level of immobility.
8. Tested the strength and bravery of CGSW by putting pegs on his face.
9. Forced CGSW to be key componant in amatuer productions such as "cartoon title songs dance" and "My favourite film scenes" and various 'gymnastic' displays.
10. Told mum when little brother had skived off school after helping him forge a note from "dad" which got him into even more trouble just because I could.

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